Moderate your channels and realms

Moderation actions
Moderate and safeguard chat with the ability to edit, pin, and delete chat messages. Be notified when community members report chat messages in a moderator log.
Create and manage your moderator team
Appoint your staff or community members as moderators to help monitor chat and the community with super moderators and channel-specific moderators.
Content warning label on streams
Create a safer and more accessible browsing experience for viewers by flagging content that may be for mature audiences.
Make new viewers aware of chat rules
Write your own chat rules in channel settings so first-time viewers are required to agree to them before they can type in chat.Ban users from realm and channels
Ban users directly in chat or from the manager dashboard to remove them from the realm or a specific channel.
Ban certain words or phrases
Avoid chat abuse by adding blocked words or phrases that will be filtered out from your channel and can be continually updated.
Enable slow or sub only chat mode
Slow down or remove unwanted chatter by setting chat to slow mode at start of streams or limit to subscribers and moderators only.