Early access


Manage and segment your community members

Find and manage your community members
View a detailed user list with the ability to change their role and permissions or remove the user from the community.
Create roles and segment your members
Group members into different roles with their own unique permissions on what content they can view and what actions they can take. Users can be given unique username colors and user badges to denote their role.
Set user role permissions
Customize permissions for your community members by configuring who can watch streams, VODs, view chat, send chat messages, and more.
Notify members when you go live
If a channel has been followed, members can see a notification and click directly to the stream.
Early Access

For a limited time, begin with Create Starter for free

Join us early at launch with a free premium plan to start your own realm.

We let you focus on the big picture

They delivered on all fronts — a customized streaming solution for our educational conference, a reliable live event with no issues, and wonderful support.

Adam Farkas

Adam Farkas

Founder of CEwire


Number of lectures


Number of attendees

Connect and entertain better.

It's your community. Let us help you engage in exciting new ways with our live event platform, web and native app product, and community engagement tools.