Live chat
See how many members are currently in chat and interact directly with chat messages, emotes, and reactions.

Get feedback with polls
Create a poll, set a duration, and prompt members to cast their vote. Monitor open polls, see how many have voted so far, and end polls at any time.

Get crowd-sourced answers with Q&A
Ask members a question for multiple answers to be submitted. Mark questions resolved when there has been enough input or a best answer submitted.

Test viewer knowledge with quizzes
Send a custom quiz post-stream to viewers to get feedback or test what they learned from the stream. Viewers can see their results and re-try.

Reply to chat messages directly
Have a more one-on-one conversation by replying to message to create a discussion thread.

Create custom emotes for all members or subscribers only
Set global emotes that are accessible by all members or unique ones that are unlocked by a subscription.